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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 8, 2023 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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they faked the moon landing sound stage in burr banks is that what inspired your series? >> not quite that i wanted to get to the origins of tang. we got orthopedic mattresses and tgantang from moon landing. >> steve: check it out moon landing fact or fiction. jimmy, thank you very much. exactly 7:00 in new york city. time to start hour two of "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ >> hunter's former business eric western visiting the white house obama administration many more times than previously known, at least 36 visits. >> america has a right to know if there was pay-to-play. >> the gold star families of 13 u.s. service members are accusing officials of failing their children and trying to cover it up. >> it is like a knife in the heart. we were told lies. >> you all need to resign immediately. >> some women are being forced to play against biological men.
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>> riley gaines has told fox news bottles are being thrown. protesters are spitting in people's faces. profanity being yelled at children. >> severe storms now being blamed for at least two deaths in the southeastern united states. more than a million homes and businesses have lost power, possibly tornadic activity across the south. >> there is danger out here. trees in the middle of the road. >> virtually all commodity prices are rising right now. >> gas prices, up 30 cents in the last month. diesel is up 34 cents. >> i am so tired of feeling helpless as a parent but there is a difference between struggling and drowning. >> ainsley: we begin this hour with this. president biden is on the road in arizona today. but he can't shake criticism of his son's growing scandals. >> brian: right. just ignores it. his trip out west comes as we learn hunter's long time business partner visited the obama white house and vp's
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residence much more than previously reported. >> steve: gillian turner joins us live from the white house where the president did an overnight. gillian, he looks like he came out of the lower stairs on air force one yesterday. >> yes. good morning to all three of you. the president is out west now. is he going to spend the next three days touting his green energy agenda and the climate crisis. he has left behind a white house whose communication staff is facing increasing sc scrutiny or his alleged role in his son's hunter biden's foreign business dealings. take a look at this. a new fox digital investigation has found as you mentioned that hunter's former business associate devon archer and eric schwerin in particular visited the white house during the obama administration obama administration many more times than previously reported. looks like at least 36 different visits logged. the president, as you know, insisted many times he never spoke to his son about foreign business indicating he didn't
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even know what burisma was. take a listen. >> nothing was unethical. i later learned of burisma nothing was unethical. here's what the deal. with regard to ukraine. we had this whole question about whether or not because he was on the board, i later learned, of a burisma. >> devon archer and other of hunter's former associates claimed in recent deposition that the president actually attended a burisma dinner back in 2015 and also, this biden penned a letter to archer in 2011 after the two both attended the same lunch writing, quote: i apologize to the not getting a chance to talk to you at the luncheon yesterday. i was having trouble getting away from hessing president hu. i hope to get to see you again. ps, happy you guys are together. all of this is prompting the house speaker to renew his calls for impeachment inquiriy. >> this is about hunter biden. this is about paying to play for the biden family. because the money goes to nine
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different members. slew shell companies much like the informant said because the actions of the biden administration withholding information that that would rise to the level where we would need impeachment inquiriy. now today president biden is in arizona at the grand canyon, hoping to focus elsewhere. he is lay zoreing in on native american heritage. later on in the afternoon the white house hoping to avoid more questions about hunter biden. at least until thursday, when the president is back here. back to you guys. >> steve: all right, gillian, thank you very much. while joe biden is out in arizona and new mexico as well, is he going to be doing some fundraising. what he is also going to be doing is he is going to be talking about how the bipartisan inflation reduction act and the infrastructure were the two biggest things in american history to work on climate change and undoubtedly say look it's so hot out here because of climate change. >> brian: i don't think the inflation reduction act was bipartisan.
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i think it was manchin who flipped his vote. >> steve: he is going to be talking about the infrastructure bill as well. what is curious is he going to be in arizona and new mexico. is he talking about the environment, why wouldn't he go to california? maybe he doesn't want to stand next to gavin newsom, that much younger guy who a lot of people would like to see in the democratic side to run for president doesn't want side by side. >> ainsley: or hear from the parents of the 1 service members in california they were speaking yesterday with congressman darrell issa for that forum. recounting the withdrawal, the disastrous, chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan. >> so you have got devon archer behind closed doors does an interview how it went off track, what his reaction was when they found out that the laptop was out and hunter biden had left it at repair shop and now public. realized the error of his ways. he talked about the business dealings. very much influence campaign guy
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with political influence was joe biden when he was vice president. you have this guy schwerin who everyone is hes peter schweizer 100 percent right. he was the money guy. evidence made sure everyone got paid. he made sure certain people paid their taxes. obviously not good enough when it came to hunter. and 36 separate times over the course of a few years, over the obama years. probably more because it was a volunteer guest signing situation that he visited. president is still holding i never discussed business dealings with my son and now all of the sudden the nuances is not only discussed it i was never involved with it. >> steve: never in business. >> ainsley: seems very fishy, right? >> brian: seems very fishy you could not smell nor fishy. totally wretched. people have to find the money as well as working on the bank accounts. the banks accounts working their way. the personal testimony working
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their way. now people are separated on these situations where they have got to worry about themselves and their own legal situation. so the worst is yet to come you would have to think for president biden. >> just another notch. here is a guy in charge of the money. at the white house more than 36 times while he was vice president then is he firing the prosecutor, admitting that on camera. have a letter he sends to devon archer when he is hosting the chinese president he says sorry i didn't get over to talk to you, thanks for coming. we appreciate it. i can't wait to see you soon. thanks for being so good to my son. it's just all adding up. in playing golf, the picture of him playing golf business partners. no we didn't talk about business at all. >> it would seem pretty easy. the republicans have called in a bunch of people. call this guy in, ask him exactly what was going on. try to get to the bottom of it. they 2 looks fishy. at the same time what crime was committed republicans are working on it.
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they say trust it we will get to it eventually. >> brian: does lying matter? prosecuting the president is one thing. i think they are from that. never happen. he is 100 years old. when people say i know nothing about my son's business dealings. i don't know anything. the laptop is not real. russian disinformation when he knew it was son his son's laptop knew all the pictures were authentic now he is meeting wall these people? if the american people are looking for integrity and honesty, how could they possibly put those words with this president ever again if they ever belonged there to begin with? >> that is the republican's talking points. >> brian: that's not a talking to point. that's a fact. he clearly lied. >> steve: brian, that's what the republicans are saying. they are saying he has told so many lies he needs to be impeached. that's their talking point. >> brian: i don't know if everybody believes he should be impeached. >> ainsley: impeachment it inquiry. kevin mccarthy made that very clear last night. >> brian: a amazing they could sit there over and over again
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and call trump a liar and trump did this and you can't trust him. meanwhile this guy has been lying since the 1980s and the lies get bigger and bigger and bigger the more you find out about him. you have got to wonder how much longer other networks can avoid. now they are finally admitting that hunter's a problem and should be prosecuted. how much longer hold out before they realize joe is knee deep in this? >> steve: they just need some evidence. >> brian: getting closer. >> ainsley: other things in the news is the discussion of whether or not transgender men should be able to play in women's sports and riley gaines who was the swimmer. you know reilly she was in denton, texas and she was down there with the governor of texas to sign this save women's sports act. there were a lot of protesters there. it was in denton texas at the texas women's hall of fame at texas women's university. there were 250 protesters out there and the people who were inside trying to get inside. some of these young girls and
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their moms were spat on. items were thrown on them. one lady was in a pink ski mask and sunglasses and she spit at one of the ladies' eyes. she told me i know where you f'ing live. she threw water on me trying to physically block me from going inside. this woman michelle evans independent women's network chapter. the suspect was apprehended and she wants to press charges. she said if you want to read this quote, steve? >> she said when i turned around to go back inside the building that's when somebody threw water on me. they told me i know where you f'ing live there was somebody who got in front of me to physically block me from going back inside and pushed her body up against mine. somebody hit my arm and then somebody, a woman in a pink key mask and sunglasses spit into my eye she was told by police she said apparently they have apprehended somebody in that and she said she wanted to press charges and the cops said that
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that would be a misdemeanor assault. unclear if she has but, nonetheless it was a mess. >> brian: unbelievable how many people are against women being successful in sports and compete. here is one protester. >> trans women are women. there's not that many trans women college athletes and even if they're, they should be included. and it's none of his business. you should not be involved in trans -- excluding trans women from athletics because they deserve inclusion? martina navratilova really none of yours business. riley gaines really none of your business. unless you agree with meghan are a pirro then it's your business. a woman not trying to win a gold medal. a woman not trying to get a scholarship. a woman not trying to win a game. let the athletes comment and then get back to it.
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>> ainsley: watching hannity last night and he said we confirmed that meghan you would know this. >> brian: rapinoe. >> ainsley: never played against a trans athlete. it never affected her career. what if it does affect your career. what if you are injured by someone who is stronger than you, someone born a man or what if it effects your scholarship or rankings then it is your business. >> brian: it's coming. >> brian: lose your scholarship and not go college. a volleyball player also in attendance she is coming up at 8:00 to talk a little bit about what she saw down in denton. texas, they produce a lot of oil and gas and they are doing it as fast as they can unfortunately, yesterday, saudi arabia cut production they announced they would be cutting production, opec plus, for one more month, this which is going to keep inflation abnormally high. as you can see right there oil has hit $82 per barrel highest in a couple of months and gas is
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now once again approaching four bucks. we know that people are struggling all across not only to buy gas but also to buy groceries and there is a story we saw this morning about a woman by the name of jessica mccabe and she has been on -- she put a video on tiktok. and it's been viewed 11 million times because. >> ainsley: she is a regular mom. it's awesome. >> steve: regular mom two kids in their 20's. she talks about how i was always told work hard, do your best you will get ahead in life. now she has gone viral because her kids have gone through college and they worked hard and they are struggling watch this. >> i am so tired of feeling helpless as a parent yes, my kids are grown adults. oldest is 28, my youngest is 25. i thought by teaching them what i learned, which is you work hard, you get a good job, you're going to get the things in life that you need, right? it worked for me. why wouldn't it work for them? because it doesn't. because the world is [bleep]
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change. yes i understand struggling is a part of life. we all struggle. but there is a difference between struggling and drowning. >> steve: yeah. she also said i will never mention retirement to them because they're going to have to work until they die, she said. >> ainsley: what's your advice? you have raised three children. >> steve: listen, you have got to work hard. they all stud died hard, they worked hard. >> ainsley: she said that's what they taught her kids and they are still struggling. >> steve: i know it. our kids moved back home for a little while to save money to get out on their own. i believe she lives down in alabama. her son moved into her house after cleaning and said i'm just going to save enough money so i can get a one bedroom apartment. he cannot afford a one bedroom apartment. that's why we are calling her in. she will be joining us in a half an hour. >> people should understand when you are paying this much for gas, it is a totally self-inflicted policy driven decision by this administration and that's what you have to decide when it comes to election day. the reason why oil and gas
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companies they act greedy because they are not allowed to drill and can't get the permitting. what they have a product becomes more vital becomes rarer, becomes more expensive. he was going to speak over and over again and say these greedy oil and gas companies. if you ask them, they would like to drill. take ownership. provide that product at a discount rate because they would make more money as well and we would have the world coming to us. instead watch saudi arabia make cuts to maximize their profit and we get mad at them and in turn the president gets mad the a our oil companies. understand the circular firing squad. it does not have to be this way. >> ainsley: you are right. everything is a business. right? even our government. we don't need to spend more than we have. that's what we are doing and it's causing inflation. you ask anyone across the board the number one reason people are going to the polls because of the economy. because people can't pay their bills and they are struggling. >> brian: think about the interest rates, too. >> ainsley: interest rates are through the roof. >> steve: highest we have seen in a very long time.
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>> ainsley: kids can't buy their first house now. >> steve: absolutely not. she and her daughter borrowed the same amount of money because of interest rate her daughter's are twice as high. biden administration from the first day made the business decision they want us -- the research gas is so expensive because they want you to use every time you gas up to think man, that hurts. you know what? i'm going to have to get electric car. i'm going to have to get hybrid. they want us to use less oil. we know that but unfortunately it hurts every family. >> brian: you talk to ford right now about the electric car business. they are saying excuse me, i need a bailout. no one wants to get them. it's not working. they also don't have the infrastructure to do it. i will add one more other thing. if you look at the rescue act, which we didn't need, the inflation reduction plan going to trumpet, all of this is money that we basically printed to put in our system. inflation goes up and how do you get rid of inflation? it looks like the fed has one move, raise interest rates. so all the money that flooded the zone for an agenda jacked up
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interest rates which have people stuck in their home unable to sell their home or buy a home or the credit card is going up. it's all related to these policies. he 14u6d run on these policies. >> ainsley: for young people choose a profession where can you make more money than you think you might need. someone in my family i remember we were talking about what profession should we choose? what do we like. one in my family chose a profession they wouldn't make a lot of money. they knew of that. that's a wonderful profession help a lot of people just know you are not going to make at love money. this person, you know, has struggled. >> steve: we're going to meet this mom. she is going to be with us very shortly and talk a little bit about the reaction the world has reached out to her. >> ainsley: she is a typical mom. i borrowed a lot of money from my mom in my 20's, too. >> brian: i borrowed a lot of money from my mom. she has not paid me back. >> carley: i remember when i was about to graduate college travel journalism. favorite class in college. >> steve: i don't blame you.
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>> carley: okay what's your plan on making money? oh, i hadn't considered that because i am 21. and have no life experience. >> ainsley: the good thing about travel journalism the company pays for your travel. >> carley: are you going to be a blogger? that's fine. let's try and figure out the money thing. >> brian: when you are not traveling work at fridays. >> carley: tgia fridays? it's a job. fox news alert. across the pond. london british embassy evacuated and now temporarily closed after a knife attack. at least one person is reportedly in the hospital with a stab wound to the arm at least one person arrested. authorities say this was an isolated attack. but we are going to keep monitoring the situation throughout the morning and bring you the latest. cbp officials in texas seized more than $4 million worth of meth veggies. 500 pounds of the drug were discovered hidden inside a truck hauling vegetables into the u.s. from mexico.
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homeland security is investigating former vice president mike pence announcing is he eligible for the republican presidential debate. pence reaching the 40,000 donor threshold making him the eighth g.o.p. candidate to meet the rnc's polling and fundraising criteria. former president trump has also met the criteria but has yet to confirm if he will participate. the big event is set for this month, if you can believe it, august 23rd at 9:00 p.m. eastern time only on fox. and listen to this. krispy kreme particular kicking off pumpkin spice season with coffee drinks. time has arrived. can you get a taste of fall early with four flavors like pumpkin spice cheesecake swirls. iced frozen or hot. the fall flavors are already available. they are available now through october 8th. so the question is is this too soon? let us know what you think. email us at friends at
4:20 am i love the fall. it's my favorite season but it's too soon. >> steve: it is too soon. you don't want pumpkin spice in august. >> ainsley: are you kidding? this guy every day. >> i knew you were going to say it. >> you like pumpkin spice. >> ainsley: he loves the drink. >> carley: okay with pumpkin spice flavors in the summer? >> brian: yes. >> carley: he has spoken. >> ainsley: i used to drink a lot of pumpkin beer until i started gaining weight. i had to stop that the they only offer it in the fall. they need to offer that year around. >> steve: things go in an order. it's like listening to christmas music around halloween. pumpkin spice is when the leaves are falling. i'm just saying. >> carley: ainsley that's what sweaters are for. pumpkin beer cover up the extra weight. >> brian: does it make a light beer seems to be an opening in the market. >> ainsley: they do not. there is an opening. >> brian: one fed up
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pennsylvania town squatters lit fires inside abandoned homes.nd chief joins us next. ♪ and who doesn't love a good throwback? [sfx: video game sound] new emergen-c crystals. throw it back. he snores like an angry rhino. you've never heard an angry rhino. baby i hear one every night... every night. okay. i'll work on that. save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed.
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pennsylvania fire chief bill fry joins us right now. chief, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: how big is a problem is this? >> it's been a big problem for -- since about 1979 here
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when a lot of our factories closed. we went from almost 18,000 people down to 9800 today. there is a lot of homes left behind. at one point about 10 years ago we stemmed 700 vacant buildings. we have been aggressively addressing it now down to 250 now. doesn't seem like a lot like detroit. we are less than three square miles that's a pretty big deal to us. >> steve: 250 houses you would like to tear down. i know have you torn down something like 23 in the last number of months over the last year or so. you have got all those others. what's keeping from you, you know, going to court or something like that saying hey, this house is a hazard, the people have caught it on fire. it's got to be condemned. let's tear it down? >> two of the biggest challenges really are no one to hold accountable to the property. real big problem real estate laws is the banks, actually.
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a couple years ago when the foreclosures were really hitting hard, banks foreclosures would happen and the banks were not legally obligated currently to transfer that property into the bank -- they keep the property in the previous owner's name unless they sell it and then of course they will transfer it to the new owner. during that time frame, the bank usually keeps paying the taxes on it so it never goes to tax sale and we're stuck dealing with this for 10 plus year until the bank sells it or so it gets so bad it eventually falls down or we take it down. >> steve: that is a mess. i know you guys still have money from the american rescue plan and you would like to use some of that money to tear down some of the houses that are still there. i would think that if somebody owned aside from the bank, if you came in and you said hey, buddy, i know you have got that house, it's been abandoned for a couple of years, here's this amount of money, i would imagine most of the homeowners of these dilapidated shacks would take the dough. >> yeah. i mean, you would be surprised
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but it probably is the case if we can get them and have them accountable but unfortunately that's not the case a lot of times. the money that we have we are really fortunate that our county redevelopment authority got $10 million from the county arpa money and are using that to address blight in some of the poorer communities around our county. so, that's the only way we are really getting ahead right now is by the arp money. we would tear down five or six a years and seven or eight more would pop up. now actual advantage to get a head on it, finally. >> steve: they are not just eyesores but when these squatters catch them on fire and then you have got to send the first responders in there, then their safety is something you have got it deal with chief, thank you very much for joining us today from your town and telling us about your story there. >> thank you. >> steve: good luck to you. that is just kind of screwed up. isn't it? all right. still ahead, you are looking live in westminster, maryland. oh my goodness. this is just some of the aftermath of those deadly storms
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that swept across the east coast yesterday. we are live on the ground there and you're going to find out what happened there although i think we know in just a minute. with the 2024 election around the corner, a new report shows middle class joe losing support among working class black and latino voters. a political panel on what's behind the shift straight ahead on "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ >> vo: for us, driving around is the only way we can get our baby to sleep, so when our windshield cracked, we needed it fixed right. we went to there's no one else we'd trust. their experts replaced our windshield, and recalibrated our car's advanced safety system. they focus on our safety... so we can focus on this little guy. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ i'm jayson. i'm living with hiv and i'm on cabenuva. it helps keep me undetectable. for adults who are undetectable,
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♪ >> ainsley: we are back with a fox weather alert. at least two people are dead as severe storms are sweeping across the eastern u.s. more than 50 million americans were under tornado and thunderstorm watches with thousands of flights grounded nationwide. fox weather multi media journalist katie berne is live in maryland where thousands are still without power. hey, katie. >> good morning. yeah. this is the kind of scenes we are seeing all over the east coast this morning. downed power lines, electric poles, trees. here police about up late in the night rescuing 30 adults and 14 kids trapped in cars just like this. either surrounded by live wires or wedged under some of these ppole that's see. everyone is out safe now. this stretch will stay closed until crews were able to clear what we believe is about 30 high
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hvoltage poles that remain down. these hit northeast where we are but also to the southeast killing two people. tragically a 15-year-old boy in south carolina was hit by fallen tree according to the anderson county coroner's office. police in alabama say man in his 20's died after being struck by lightning. the weather also led to ground stops at least 10 major airports and these delays will push a lot of people's flights to today, which means it will be a busy day at the airports on top of already busy summer travel at peek we know a million americans lost power as focus shift to power restoration. those numbers have improved. the maryland governor just arrived in town to assess the damage and the work that's ahead of them. guys? >> ainsley: gosh, katie, that is terrible. the little boy the tree fell on top of him you said he died the one in anderson county? >> yeah. the coroner's office was able to tell us a little bit more
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evidence about that. he was getting out of his car when that tree fell. he passed away. >> ainsley: near clemson. check in with janice dean for fox weather forecast. >> janice: terrible stories. we had over 1,000 reports of severe weather yesterday including areas stretching from the mid-atlantic up towards the northeast. we still have the risk for stronger storms for new england. let's take a look at the maps and i will show you where we have the radar. actually, those are the temperatures right now. so still quite humid, but that system is going to exit the coast. and then we are also dealing with a new system across the plain states and that's going to bring the risk for hail, damaging winds, isolated tornadoes, we already have a severe thunderstorm warning in effect for parts of oklahoma. and there are the flood alerts for the northeast. so heavy rain in the forecast still for new england, we will watch that and it has been a summer, a wet summer for a lot of these areas, historically wet. in terms of severe weather today, stretching from the central plains across the mississippi valley in towards
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the southeast, be alert for those watches and warnings. and thens excessive heat continues from texas to florida up towards the southeast where humidity and temperatures combined are going to make it feel very dangerous yet again today. people are urged to stay inside, especially those susceptible to heat-related illness and, of course, fox we'll keep you updated on all those weather related stories. i will toss it in to brian kill kilmeade over to you, brian. >> brian: talk about race for politics. the president's own party facing growing concerns about losing support from particular groups, specifically, nonwhite groups are really disturbing the fact that they are leaving democrats in many cases. new poll revealing that nonwhite americans are going now 49-33 in favor of biden. keep in mind. president obama won the nonwhite vote by 67 points. that was just in 2012. joining us now to discuss this
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abraham enriquez. founder. stacey watson is here talk america host. let's start with you. why do you think this is happening? why do you think he is shedding nonwhite votes? >> good morning, brian. it's so exciting to hear about the shifting patterns of the 2024 presidential election. it's really nonwork -- nonwhite working class voters are such an important demographic in electorate. hispanics are the largest minority voting block in america. and majority of them are working class. and the reason why you are seeing polling look the way it is because the past really the past couple years, the biden administration has placed more attention on reaching out to college aged educated liberals than the works class communities in america. right? you look at some of the policies that they put out. inflation hits every american
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hard. but, specifically demographics like the hispanic voters because we tend to have larger families which means we have to feed more mouths with less amount of money. and when the response to inflation into important things that the hispanic voters and traditional nonwhite voters or nonwhite working class voters care about when the biden administration comes out and says that they would rather focus on banning stoves, gas stoves and people should be moving more toward electric cars in response to gas prices that's where you start losing those demographics. >> brian: hold that thought i want to be able to get stacey in. stacey, one thing that comes up is crime. the president has not looked and democrats have not looked tough on crime and that effects a lot of working class communities, don't you agree? >> it does. and so, this idea that we can have a green energy transition that's instant i call it the instant cup of noodles green energy. no infrastructure needed just add hot water. americans are not resonating
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with that black americans especially are concerned about crime. they experience the deleterious effects of higher crime the most out of all of our are a demographics and then of course as enrique mentioned there is this horrible economy. americans are not actually spending less then the bidenomics. they are spending $10,000 more per year to have the same lifestyle under president trump when the g.d.p. was booming again not the same metric. i think it's interesting that americans are beginning to look at policy as opposed to simply voting based on what democrats expect and this is a good development, brian. >> brian: it also shows enrake quay that cultural and social issues still matter. >> absolutely. look, the democrats have really adopted this idea that hispanics want to be called latin x, right? we don't want to be called latin x. >> brian: i haven't even heard of that. >> so democrats have really forgotten that working class voters have very sophisticated
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policy. >> so far it's a dead heat, stacey thanks, guys, appreciate it. meanwhile, this straight ahead, it's been almost two years since 13 heros were killed during the disastrous u.s. withdrawal from afghanistan now. for the first time gold star families gathered to share their heart breaking stories and frungs. we are going to talk to another one of those gold star moms, next. >> so many people pay their respects but nothing at all from the president of the united states. on something he had conducted. when failures are made, those who are involved in those failures wanted to be forgotten. workouts... ...and new adventures. you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past... they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b.
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although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need, make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. which hotel? ah! did somebody say “which hotel?” i'm great at this. dance to your faves in the spa-like bathroom! or enjoy local craft beers, with breathtaking views at the cambria.
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hi, i'm michael, i've lost 62 pounds on golo and i have kept it off. most of the weight that i gained was strictly in my belly which is a sign of insulin resistance. but since golo, that weight has completely gone away, as you can tell. thanks to golo and release, i've got my life and my health back.
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>> when joe biden. our elected president entered the room. when he approached me, his words to me were my wife jill and i
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know how you feel. we lost our son as well and brought him home in a flag draped coffin. my heart started beating faster and i started shaking knowing that their son died for from cancer and they were able to be by his side. >> ainsley: that heart broken gold star money cheryl rex calling out president biden's response to her son's death as the families of 13 u.s. troops testified. cheryl's son an american hero only 20 years old. marine corps patrol lance corporal dylan that roll la. and he knew his purpose was to join the military. even when he was a child he would tell his parents he wanted to join the military and cheryl joins us now good morning, cheryl. >> good morning. >> ainsley: you were so brave to talk yesterday. when we heard that, our jaws dropped because the president compared the death of his son to cancer to the death of your son.
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and then we saw him checking his watch on the tarmac during that dignified transfer. what went through your mind when he said that to you when you saw him checking his watch and when you heard our administration talk about the success they called the withdrawal. disrespect. >> he disrespected our kids when they came home. you can't spend a little bit of time and honor. you don't check your watch. if you had somewhere else to be. you shouldn't have been there. >> ainsley: what was it like yesterday? because i guess every situation is different. the 13 families. most of you all were reunited yesterday. is that the first time you have been together since the dignified transfer? no. we had a couple of events that we have attended together we were recently in d.c. speaking with congress as well. >> why was that important for you to speak yesterday? >> i think it's important for the american people and public
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to know to know the truth. we are still looking for the truth we get answers tour questions that we can't get straight answers to. >> a lot of the moms and dads say they have been lied to. have you been lied to? >> been lied to since the very beginning, yes. >> in what way? the stories don't coincide. you always believe your boots on the ground and their stories don't retract back to what we have been given the information. all the way down to the way our kids have passed away. >> ainsley: we heard one mom say that she was told that her son died on impact and then she talked to witnesses on the ground and that wasn't true at all. tell us about your son. what have you learned about that day? >> dylan did not die on impact either. my son was being medically treated. he was actually transported to the hospital his autopsy report
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he was intubated. you can't do that where they were in their location. he was a light. he was a light in talking and he did not die on impact. >> ainsley: tell us about your son'. what was he like personality? >> amazing. always wanting to give everything to everybody. always wanting to help his brothers and sisters and help them push forward and get through their hikes and always motivated. he always wanted to motivate the next person. >> ainsley: yeah. he was so young. he was only 20 years old. what's the hardest part? what do you miss the most? >> everything. just having him home. his smile. our. [laughter] , our vacations. being together as a family, his brother and sister. we all miss him so much. >> ainsley: and i understand his older brother, brandon, is also serving in the military. is that right? >> correct. >> how do you feel about that?
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>> i had hoped that he wouldn't especially what had happened and i asked him not to join this administration until things were different and right now is he doing really good. it's a positive thing for him. it's made him see a lot of things and is he doing really really well. >> ainsley: that's great. god bless you, i'm sorry for your loss. i can't imagine how you feel. thank you for making that ultimate sacrifice. we really appreciate everything y'all have gone through. i know the hollyw holidays are . i bet everything is excruciating for you. just know we'll and our viewers support your family. >> thank you so much. >> ainsley: god bless you marine corps patrol lance corporal dydidi merola.
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there are their faces. may they all rest in peace.
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>> an alabama mom going rival for rant gen z kids. >> ainsley: not for the reason you might think.
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feels helpless as a parent as the american dream becomes increasingly difficult for younger generations to attain. >> i'm so tired of feeling helpless as a parent. yes, my kids are grown adults. my oldest is 28 youngest 25. i thought by teaching them what i learned, which is you work hard, you get a good job. you're going to get the things in life that you need. right? it worked for me. why wouldn't it work for them? because it doesn't. because the world is [bleep] changed. yes, i understand struggling is a part of life. we all struggle. but there is a difference between struggling and drowning. >> steve: no kidding. and jessica mccabe, who went viral, joins us life, jessica, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> steve: i understand in the aftermath, you have been slammed by a lot of jen xeres who thought that the comments were inappropriate but your son who raid some of the comments actually feels like is he less alone there are a lot of people in the same boat. >> yes. and i think that's one thing that we need to take away from
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it's not 1988 anymore. we have to, as parents. realize that the economy has changed prices always go up. i think the wages are not keeping up with how wig the inflation has gotten looking at these beautiful pictures gosh, you have gorgeous kids and it looks like a grandchild there, too. what was your reaction to 11 million people can relate to this and viewed this. >> that was a little unexpected because honestly the reason why i made the videos because i was so frustrated i went out yet again with my son to go try to find an apartment he could afford. we kept getting back drops -- half the places i felt like should have been condemned that he could afford. the other half they are wanting four times your rent. they wanted you to show that you could pay four times that so it was getting frustrated but i hear all the other gen z's and millennials in my comments saying they finally feel seen. us as jen x we forget it's not
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the same as it is now for our kids. what they should be able to do they should do. we need to be their advocate. i didn't have kids to watch them suffer their entire life. >> brian: real quick, are your kids going to change careers? what's your advice to them? what have they learned from, this jessica? it is frustrating because he went to college and i understand most places want experience even though you have a college degree. so the first job he got out of college paying $19 an hour. that's better than minimum wage but even since being there, he has gotten a raise. another $22 an hour that used to be a good amount when i was growing up. >> ainsley: yeah, me too. >> and how come it doesn't? >> steve: we got the video on jessica, thank you very much for joining us live. >> ainsley: thanks, jessica. we wish them all the best. >> thank you. >> brian: still ahead final hour of show riley gaines and othern activists attacked by protesters atogni a -- r health.
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♪ like a satellite ♪ viasat satellite internet. learn more about our plans at >> i've been humbled at the outpouring of support. >> mike pence qualified for the eighth republican candidate for president. >> 13 u.s. service members accusing officials of failing their children and trying to cover it up. >> the lies they told were unnecessary. >> there is a lot of anger and angst. >> women being


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